Friday, December 26, 2008

mama get a new maid part ll

hahahaha.that is the only word i can i said she not gonna be long.and yesterday she got kicked from the house.haha.and theres more rupa2nya dia pencurik!haha.she stole her old boss and my brother yang kantoi kan dia.haha.on thursday night mama are not in the house.and she told me how much to repair a broken screen handphone and i said what type of handphone and she showed me is a nokia n95.i was owhh a maid can use that handphone.and day after that mama siad have we seen the lady(bibik baru)holding a handphone and mama said its a nokia and my brothers kluar perangai setan cepat2 bg tau mama.hahaha.and her old boss came to my house to pick her up.and a few more hours after that mama call the old boss of the lady.and she told mama the maid kena belasah teruk nywa2 ikan dah.haha.and isits all my fault.haha.but she deserve it.sapa suruh curik.and mama dah tension kena carik maid baru.hahaha


Amers. said...

dulu aku ada orang gaji. sari nama dia. budak bodoh tu nak bawak lari kucing aku. chaitt.

2 3 hari lepas tu dia kena pecat.

lenana said...

haha bdo nye maid . see maid i jgk yg setiaaa :PP